Our team - Andrea Laciaková

Mgr. Andrea Laciaková Senior HR and Equal Opportinities Consultant

Work experience

Long term experience in project administration as well as processing. She is the author of supported projects for companies such as: AZ Catering Services s.r.o., Dekonta, Electro World.

Job office Karlovy Vary

Department of European Social Fund Administration Project manager for grant scheme Increase of employer and employee adaptability to changes of economical and technological conditions, support of competitiveness and national project within the scope of integration of specific groups of population endangered by social exclusion, Operational programme Development of human resources.

Ministry of labour and social affairs

Správa služeb zaměstnanosti, odbor Trhu práce, odd. Specifických podpor zaměstnanosti. Odborná referentka a projektová manažerka pro nadregionální grantové schéma pro oblast rovných příležitostí, Operační program rozvoj lidských zdrojů.

National training fund

Project and financial manager for the grant scheme Competitiveness, Integrated programme document for goal 3 capital city Prague and project manager for the measure B of the Fund for the support of research of financial mechanisms of Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

  • She has participated in study visits in Brussels within the scope of Czech-Flemish cooperation at the Ministry of labour and social affairs and the project Partnership for the future, implemented by the Region Karlovy Vary.
  • She has received the certificate for public commission assignments.
  • She is the evaluator of OPPA grant projects.


University of West Bohemia in Pilsner, masters degree in the field Theory and philosophy of communication ( state exam: media sociology, language philosophy, linguistics, semiotics).