Grants and subsidies - towns and villages

Towns, villages and their partnerships may finance their intended projects from a number of subsidy programmes focusing on a wide range of problems. You can see examples below:

Operation programme environment

Support of projects in the field of water management (sewage treatment plant), air quality, use of alternative or renewable sources of energy, waste management.

Supported fields:

Priority axle 1
Improvement of water management infrastructure and decrease of risks of flooding.
Priority axle 2
Improvement of air quality and decrease of emissions.
Priority axle 3
Sustainable use of sources of energy.
Priority axle 4
Improvement of waste management and elimination of old environmental burdens.
Priority axle 5
Development of infrastructure for environmental education, advisory, public awareness.

Program of rural area development

Projects of modernization and development of villages with up to 500 inhabitants. Projects of water management infrastructure ( sewers, water lines, sewage treatment plants) in villages with up to 2000 inhabitants.

Regional operation programs

Support of transport accessibility and service, development of the area, development of regional business, development of tourism for towns and villages with more than 500 inhabitants. Regional operation programmes cover several areas. The objective is to increase competitiveness of regions, to speed up their development, to make the regions more attractive for investment, for example:

Development of tourism
Infrastructure of tourism and services for tourism.
Transport accessibility and service.
Building, reconstruction and modernization of class 2 and 3 roads, infrastructure for public transport, etc.
Development of the area
For example, preparation of development area for business, living and services, revitalization of town centres and conservation areas, building, reconstruction and equipment of public facility premises, cultural and free time premises, premises of social and educational infrastructure, building reconstruction and completion of construction of public space, squares, architectural elements, removal of unutilized buildings and environmental burdens, etc.
Regional development of business
Support of public administration development, national tourism and cultural heritage, public services of health and employment.

Integrovaný operační program

Podpora rozvoje veřejné správy, národního cestovního ruchu a kulturního dědictví, veřejných služeb zdraví a zaměstnanosti.

We have many reference projects. For more information contact our consultants or go through our references.